About Essential Airway+ Myofunctional Therapy
We were created to help people that suffer from Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs). The interaction between orofacial foundational growth and muscle activity starts in early development, and the functions of suction, mastication, swallowing, and nasal breathing in infancy play an important role in stimulating subsequent growth.
The habits we develop during our youth inevitably affect our behavior later in life. We are here to help correct behaviors that affect enjoyment when eating, speaking, breathing, and even sleeping more soundly.
We offer HIPPA complaint telehealth and in-person therapy to help a variety of people have more confidence and a better quality of life.
Nasal Breathing
Nasal Breathing is key! Not only does it filter our irritants, but it supports optimal orofacial development and sleep.
Tongue Thrust
Tongue thrust is the persistence of an infantile swallow pattern during late childhood. This leads to breathing and speech difficulties, open bites, and protruding teeth.
Proper Posture
Sitting and standing with proper alignment improves blood flow, helps keep your nerves and blood vessels healthy, and supports your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Tongue Tie
The condition is present at birth. A short, tight band of tissue tethers the tongue's tip to the floor of the mouth. It can affect how a child eats and speaks, and can interfere with breastfeeding.
Proper Swallowing
A restricted tongue can even affect the way we swallow our food, leading to messy or fussy eating and difficulties breastfeeding.
Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues in your throat, such as your tongue and soft palate, temporarily relax. When these muscles relax, your airway is narrowed or closed, and breathing is momentarily cut off.
Children's Myo
Myofunctional therapy may become necessary if your child develops an orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD). These occur when the normal growth of the muscles and bones in the mouth and face are interrupted in some way, resulting in trouble:
It’s possible for children to outgrow some of these problems naturally. Their natural growth process will remedy the problem causing the symptoms to disappear.
Myofunctional Therapy Can Help With:
Therapy for children and adults
Tongue Thrust (Incorrect Swallow)
Tongue and Lip Tie (pre/post therapy)​
Mouth Breathing
Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea
Related to Tongue
Malocclusion/Orthodontic Relapse
TMJ Disorders
Janet Zeller
Janet Zeller is a Maryland native, who now resides in Harford County, MD where she raised her three children. Janet has been practicing locally as a dental hygienist for over 20 years, prior to expanding into the Myofunctional Therapist role.
Janet has a passion for helping others and a special focus on those struggling with sleep-disordered breathing, tongue ties, or a tongue thrust habit, serving ages 6 years and beyond.
Myofunctional therapy trains proper tongue resting position while eliminating facial and tongue muscle compensations. Proper posture and breathing are taught to open the airway for a better night’s sleep and feel well rested during the day.